Friday, November 6, 2009

Frankenstein continued....

So, as you continue to read, post some comments/questions/connections regarding the book. For want of a better verb, please blog; don't just post a single isolated comment!


  1. i wonder, after reading quite a bit, frankenstein's relationship with elizabeth, a part of him suggests a degree of detachment which causes her to call for his attention however another side shows he is somewhat infactuated by her.
    What do you guys think about their relationship?

  2. I think that he doesn't want to be "detached", but he's just drowned in his work and can't think about anything else than his creature. Especially after he created him and he is horrified by it.

  3. I can see that but their relationship seems so complicated and makes me wonder does he wish to be more than just her cousin or does he simply want to carry on his duty of caring for her

  4. True, I wonder that too. I don't think that he has expressed his feelings enough for us to actually formulate an opinion on their relationship, as far as I know/read. But it really looks like he cares for her on an emotional level, even though he seems to be unable to show it.

  5. I would answer but I'm not in that page yet... Im reading slowly.....

  6. Victor, like Jael mentioned, is clearly immersed in the creature at this point in the novel. He claims to have feelings for Elizabeth, but I feel that this will be proven by Shelley later.

    What does everyone think about the creature? I personally think the way he was developed was pretty interesting; Victor's profound interest in science created something extraordinary.

  7. I agree with Marcela's comment ("He claims to have feelings for Elizabeth, but I feel that this will be proven by Shelley later.") Perhaps Shelley wants readers to formulate their own opinions of Victor and Elizabeth's relationship before she clarifies it. We'll see.

    I also think that the construction of the creature is quite interesting; however, Victor is rather obsessed with its development. Do you guys think Victor is perhaps too devoted to his project?

  8. I think Victor is as devoted as anyone should be to a project, he is technically slapping god in the face by creating life itself. And I personally think that Victor's relations to Elizabeth will short lived; their just ship that pass in the night only to have that one fleeting moment together.But the relationship he has with the Creature I think is the iceburge to his Tiatanic.

  9. I dont think Victor could have reacted any differently to the creature. I see Victor as someone very emotional and he seems to have issues with relationship both with his "more than a cousin" Elizabeth and his "miserable monster" with "selelcted feautures as beautiful". He put so much effort and time into creating the creature that it has become a source of both terror and beauty in his eye. His Elizabeth is mentioned with the creature's "birth" with his mother's sacrifice. How involved will these 3 characters get?

  10. How did people use Frankenstein to answer Wednesday's question? How confident are you in your essay?

